"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
- Muriel Rukeyser
The Essence of Astrology
If you want to understand the essence of astrology, and how to feel the truth in your bones, with 100% certainty, you need to know the missing piece.
What is it? ,.. Stories.
Have you ever heard me tell a story about my guru, or my childhood, or music, or some struggle I have? It helped you understand the concept I was discussing, didn't it?
The same is true with mastering vedic astrology and knowing your true, karmic Self. The great epic tales and holidays of India all correspond with different planets and Signs and nakshatras and lunar phases.
The Next Level For You
I am doing a master class on October 23-24 on "Astrology Stories and Celebrations" that you are invited to.
I will be teaching this class with Dr. Malini Iyer, someone who is truly gifted in telling and interpreting these Indian spiritual stories and explaining how they illustrate Vedic astrology.
You Must Know This
Knowing the mythological language of India is crucial in taking your astrology and personal wisdom to the next level. Their entire cosmology, astrology, and spirituality revolve around stories.It is impossible to know the Planets, Sign, Houses, and Nakshatras without understanding these stories in-depth.